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desole mais je parl pas tres bien le francais donc pour les faute c est preferable l anglais
This tutorial will show how to get Sharks into your Crysis level.
Everything is done in the editor, so you just need to have your level ready
Start up your editor and open up the Level where you want to have your deadly
I have just made a plain small map without any assets for the purpose of this
(Click Area then choose Shape)Place boxes that will representant your area. The
size of the area does not matter and you can very well make a shape that goes
around your whole map. Just place them in order. I’ll just make a small area
Double click on your last box to finish the shap
Rename the Shape to ‘Shark
Adjust height and you will see the lines that now goes over the surface of the
water. This Shape or box is now the area where we want our sharks to spawn
Next we need to add a ‘WaterKillEvent’. You will find this under ‘Entity’ and
the ‘Others’ folder.
Just drag
Next we add an area trigger. You can find it under ‘Entity’ and the ‘Triggers’
Just drag it into the map as well and place it wherever you want it
Rename the trigger to ‘Shark
Ok, now we have made the trigger, next we want to link it with the area we want
the Sharks to appear.
Next we need to link the shape to the trigger.
In the rollout for the shape, you will find ‘Shape Parameters’.
Click on ‘Pick’ and then click on the trigger to link it.
We have now linked our trigger with the shape that define our area where we
want the sharks to appear if a player goes inside its border.
Next we need to make the flow chart for our trigger. When the trigger is
selected, you will find the flow chart section, where you just click on create
A popup will show up and will ask you for a group name for the flow chart.
We call it ‘KillEvents’.
The Flow Graph window will now appear
Select ‘Shark’, move your cursor inside the graph window, Right-Click and
choose ‘Add Selected Entity’
You will now have something similar to this:
You will now have something similar to this:
Next, you Open the ‘Select Objects’ Window and mark the ‘WaterKillEvent’ we
made earlier. When it is selected, click “Select” in the “Select Objects” window,
and then you move your cursor inside the flow graph window and click ‘Add
Selected Entity again
Next we need to make some nice lines in the flow chart. If we look at our trigger:
We want it to trigg an action when the player Enter, and when the player leave.
So we click on the ‘Enter’ and drag the arrow to the WaterKillEvent
Then we make a line from ‘Leave’ to ‘Remove Shark’
The flow graph should look like this now:
Close the “Flow Graph” and “Select Objects” windows and we are almost ready
to jump in the water
Last step before you jump in the water, is to generate navigation for AI.
In the menu, go to AI and then press ‘Generate all navigation”
Before you jump in the water, make sure that you have enabled Physics/AI.
‘Ctrl-P’ or
Go into game mode and swim into the area where you wanted the sharks. Then
you should soon enough meet a shark.
This tutorial will show how to get Sharks into your Crysis level.
Everything is done in the editor, so you just need to have your level ready
Start up your editor and open up the Level where you want to have your deadly
I have just made a plain small map without any assets for the purpose of this
(Click Area then choose Shape)Place boxes that will representant your area. The
size of the area does not matter and you can very well make a shape that goes
around your whole map. Just place them in order. I’ll just make a small area
Double click on your last box to finish the shap
Rename the Shape to ‘Shark
Adjust height and you will see the lines that now goes over the surface of the
water. This Shape or box is now the area where we want our sharks to spawn
Next we need to add a ‘WaterKillEvent’. You will find this under ‘Entity’ and
the ‘Others’ folder.
Just drag
Next we add an area trigger. You can find it under ‘Entity’ and the ‘Triggers’
Just drag it into the map as well and place it wherever you want it
Rename the trigger to ‘Shark
Ok, now we have made the trigger, next we want to link it with the area we want
the Sharks to appear.
Next we need to link the shape to the trigger.
In the rollout for the shape, you will find ‘Shape Parameters’.
Click on ‘Pick’ and then click on the trigger to link it.
We have now linked our trigger with the shape that define our area where we
want the sharks to appear if a player goes inside its border.
Next we need to make the flow chart for our trigger. When the trigger is
selected, you will find the flow chart section, where you just click on create
A popup will show up and will ask you for a group name for the flow chart.
We call it ‘KillEvents’.
The Flow Graph window will now appear
Select ‘Shark’, move your cursor inside the graph window, Right-Click and
choose ‘Add Selected Entity’
You will now have something similar to this:
You will now have something similar to this:
Next, you Open the ‘Select Objects’ Window and mark the ‘WaterKillEvent’ we
made earlier. When it is selected, click “Select” in the “Select Objects” window,
and then you move your cursor inside the flow graph window and click ‘Add
Selected Entity again
Next we need to make some nice lines in the flow chart. If we look at our trigger:
We want it to trigg an action when the player Enter, and when the player leave.
So we click on the ‘Enter’ and drag the arrow to the WaterKillEvent
Then we make a line from ‘Leave’ to ‘Remove Shark’
The flow graph should look like this now:
Close the “Flow Graph” and “Select Objects” windows and we are almost ready
to jump in the water
Last step before you jump in the water, is to generate navigation for AI.
In the menu, go to AI and then press ‘Generate all navigation”
Before you jump in the water, make sure that you have enabled Physics/AI.
‘Ctrl-P’ or
Go into game mode and swim into the area where you wanted the sharks. Then
you should soon enough meet a shark.
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
Comme y se la raconte le mec tu pourai le dire en francais la prochène foi chui nul en anglais.
Mes jeux du moment :
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, Call Of Duty : Black Ops, FIFA 11 : Ultimate Team
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, Call Of Duty : Black Ops, FIFA 11 : Ultimate Team
pfff aprend t a qu a avoir 18 de moyen en anglais en anglais
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
sa va jaime mentir au geants t es malin et tib je monte pas ce week-end
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
ok a+
Mes jeux du moment :
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, Call Of Duty : Black Ops, FIFA 11 : Ultimate Team
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, Call Of Duty : Black Ops, FIFA 11 : Ultimate Team
Mes jeux du moment :
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, Call Of Duty : Black Ops, FIFA 11 : Ultimate Team
Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, Call Of Duty : Black Ops, FIFA 11 : Ultimate Team
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