Les dernières previews jeux
Une preview est le test d'un jeu non finalisé. Non finalisé donc pas de note. La preview permet de se faire une idée sur le jeu. Il est rare qu'un titre, dont la preview est catastrophique, devienne finalement un jeu incontournable. Faites vous une idée sur les jeux à venir !
Nom du jeu |
Plateforme |
Genre |
Note |
Maj |
sortie |
151 | AiRace Speed | 3DS | Course | 0.0 | Preview | 21/09/2013 |
152 | Assassin's Creed 4 : Black Flag | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Wii U | PS4 | Xbox One | Action | Aventure | 8.8 | Test | 29/10/2013 |
153 | Knack | PS4 | Action | Aventure | 5.3 | Test | 29/11/2013 |
154 | Contrast | PC | Puzzle | Plateforme | 6.3 | Test | 15/11/2013 |
155 | War Of The Vikings | PC | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 15/04/2014 |
156 | World Of Tanks Xbox 360 Edition | Xbox 360 | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 12/02/2014 |
157 | Titanfall | Xbox One | Xbox 360 | Action | 7.4 | Test | 13/03/2014 |
158 | Dead Island Epidemic | PC | Action | 0.0 | Preview | |
159 | Les Sims 4 | PC | Mac | Gestion & Management | 5.6 | Test | 04/09/2014 |
160 | Pokémon X | 3DS | Action | Aventure | 8.3 | Test | 12/10/2013 |
161 | PES 2014 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Wii U | PSP | Sport | 7.2 | Test | 19/09/2013 |
162 | Total War : Rome 2 | PC | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | 7.8 | Test | 03/09/2013 |
163 | Rayman Legends | Wii U | Xbox 360 | PS3 | PS VITA | Xbox One | PS4 | Plateforme | Aventure | 8.2 | Test | 29/08/2013 |
164 | FIFA 14 | PC | 8.3 | Test | 27/09/2013 | |
165 | F1 2013 | PC | Course | 8.1 | Test | 04/10/2013 |
166 | Saints Row 4 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Action | 7.9 | Test | 23/08/2013 |
167 | Killer Is Dead | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Action | 7.4 | Test | 30/08/2013 |
168 | Bound By Flame | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 6.5 | Test | 09/05/2014 |
169 | Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishments | PC | Aventure | 6.8 | Test | 30/09/2014 |
170 | Takedown : Red Sabre | PC | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 20/09/2013 |
171 | Killer Instinct | Xbox One | Super Nint | Gameboy | Baston | 6.0 | Test | 22/11/2013 |
172 | The Division | Xbox One | PS4 | Tir | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 31/12/2016 |
173 | Project Spark | PC | Simulation | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 07/10/2014 |
174 | Need For Speed Rivals | PC | Course | 7.1 | Test | 21/11/2013 |
175 | Payday 2 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | 0.0 | Actus | 16/08/2013 | |
176 | Tearaway | PS VITA | Plateforme | 8.4 | Test | 22/11/2013 |
177 | Castlevania : Lords Of Shadow 2 | PC | 0.0 | Actus | 25/02/2014 | |
178 | Sonic Lost World | Wii U | 3DS | Plateforme | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 29/10/2013 |
179 | The Crew | PC | 0.0 | Actus | 02/12/2014 | |
180 | Mad Max | PS4 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Xbox One | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 04/09/2015 |
181 | Dead Rising 3 | Xbox One | 7.6 | Test | 22/11/2013 | |
182 | Battlefield 4 | PC | Tir | Action | 7.9 | Test | 31/10/2013 |
183 | Murdered : Soul Suspect | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Xbox One | PS4 | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 06/06/2014 |
184 | Halo Spartan Assault | PC | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 30/07/2013 |
185 | MotoGP 13 | PS3 | PS VITA | Xbox 360 | 7.0 | Test | 21/06/2013 | |
186 | Gran Turismo 6 | PS3 | Course | 7.9 | Test | 06/12/2013 |
187 | The Bureau : XCOM Declassified | PC | 5.0 | Test | 23/08/2013 | |
188 | Animal Crossing : New Leaf | 3DS | 7.6 | Test | 14/06/2013 | |
189 | Lost Planet 3 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Tir | Action | 6.8 | Test | 30/08/2013 |
190 | Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D | 3DS | 8.0 | Test | 24/05/2013 | |
191 | Might And Magic 10 - Legacy | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 7.0 | Test | 23/01/2014 |
192 | Flashback | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 5.5 | Test | 21/08/2013 |
193 | World Of Warplanes | PC | 6.6 | Test | 13/11/2013 | |
194 | Spartacus Legends | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 27/06/2013 |
195 | Prince Of Persia : L'Ombre Et La Flamme | iPhone | iPad | Android | Plateforme | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 25/07/2013 |
196 | Far Cry 3 : Blood Dragon | PC | 8.0 | Test | 01/05/2013 | |
197 | Dark Souls 2 | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 0.0 | Actus | 25/04/2014 |
198 | GRID 2 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Course | 7.0 | Test | 31/05/2013 |
199 | Blackguards | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Aventure | 6.9 | Test | 24/01/2014 |
200 | LEGO Legends Of Chima : Laval’s Journey | 3DS | PS VITA | DS | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 20/09/2013 |
201 | The Night Of The Rabbit | PC | Mac | Aventure | 7.1 | Test | 29/05/2013 |
202 | Knights Of Pen And Paper +1 Edition | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 30/06/2013 |
203 | Soul Sacrifice | PS VITA | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 8.6 | Test | 01/05/2013 |
204 | Magicka : Wizard Wars | PC | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 31/12/2013 |
205 | Saints Row 4 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Action | 7.9 | Test | 23/08/2013 |
206 | Metro : Last Light | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Autre | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Actus | 17/05/2013 |
207 | Deus Ex : Human Revolution Director's Cut | Wii U | PS3 | Xbox 360 | 0.0 | Preview | 31/12/2013 | |
208 | Dead Island Riptide | PC | Tir | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.3 | Test | 26/04/2013 |
209 | Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen | Xbox 360 | PS3 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | 8.5 | Test | 26/04/2013 |
210 | Remember Me | Xbox 360 | PS3 | 0.0 | Test | 07/06/2013 | |
211 | Resident Evil Revelations | PC | 0.0 | Actus | 24/05/2013 | |
212 | LEGO City : Undercover | Wii U | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 8.3 | Test | 28/03/2013 |
213 | Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Baston | 8.5 | Test | 08/03/2013 |
214 | Sniper : Ghost Warrior 2 | PC | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 15/03/2013 |
215 | Injustice : Les Dieux Sont Parmi Nous | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Wii U | Baston | 7.2 | Test | 18/04/2013 |
216 | SimCity | PC | Mac | Gestion & Management | 7.0 | Test | 07/03/2013 |
217 | Dead Space 3 | PC | 6.7 | Test | 07/02/2013 | |
218 | Tomb Raider | PC | PC | Mac | Action | 7.6 | Test | |
219 | Luigi's Mansion 2 | 3DS | Aventure | 8.3 | Test | 28/03/2013 |
220 | Scribblenauts Unlimited | Wii U | 3DS | Puzzle | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 29/11/2013 |
221 | Crysis 3 | PC | Tir | Action | 6.6 | Test | 21/02/2013 |
222 | Wargame : AirLand Battle | PC | Stratégie | 8.3 | Test | 30/05/2013 |
223 | Mars : War Logs | Xbox 360 | PS3 | 0.0 | Actus | 26/07/2013 | |
224 | Fist Of The North Star : Ken's Rage 2 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Wii U | Action | 6.4 | Test | 07/02/2013 |
225 | Magrunner | PC | Puzzle | Action | 7.2 | Test | 20/06/2013 |
226 | BioShock Infinite | PC | Mac | Tir | Action | Aventure | 8.7 | Test | 26/03/2013 |
227 | Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Tir | Action | 8.0 | Test | 21/02/2013 |
228 | Army of Two : Le Cartel Du Diable | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Action | 6.0 | Test | 29/03/2013 |
229 | LEGO Le Seigneur des Anneaux | PC | Mac | 0.0 | Test | 21/11/2012 | |
230 | Defiance | PS3 | Xbox 360 | 0.0 | Actus | 02/04/2013 | |
231 | Fuse | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Action | Aventure | 5.5 | Test | 31/05/2013 |
232 | FIFA 13 | Wii U | 5.7 | Test | 30/11/2012 | |
233 | Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | Xbox 360 | PS3 | PS VITA | Wii U | Course | 8.2 | Test | 16/11/2012 |
234 | Call Of Duty : Black Ops 2 | PC | Guerre | Tir | Action | 6.7 | Test | 13/11/2012 |
235 | Need For Speed Most Wanted | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Wii U | Course | 7.6 | Test | 02/11/2012 |
236 | Far Cry 3 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Tir | Action | 8.5 | Test | 29/11/2012 |
237 | Hitman : Absolution | PC | Action | 7.9 | Test | 20/11/2012 |
238 | Halo 4 | Xbox 360 | Tir | Action | 8.5 | Test | 06/11/2012 |
239 | LittleBigPlanet Karting | PS3 | Course | 6.4 | Test | 09/11/2012 |
240 | Might & Magic Heroes Online | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 0.0 | Preview | |
241 | Anno Online | PC | Gestion & Management | 0.0 | Preview | |
242 | Might & Magic Raiders | PC | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 31/01/2013 |
243 | The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot | PC | Stratégie | Action | 0.0 | Preview | 05/02/2015 |
244 | NBA 2K13 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Wii | Wii U | PSP | Sport | 8.0 | Test | 05/10/2012 |
245 | Call Of Juarez Gunslinger | Xbox 360 | PS3 | 8.3 | Test | 22/05/2013 | |
246 | Assassin's Creed Utopia | iPad | iPhone | Android | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Preview | 31/12/2013 |
247 | Rayman : Jungle Run | iPad | iPhone | Android | Plateforme | 0.0 | Preview | 20/09/2012 |
248 | Resident Evil 6 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Tir | Action | 6.8 | Test | 02/10/2012 |
249 | Europa Universalis 4 | PC | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | 8.7 | Test | 13/08/2013 |
250 | Company Of Heroes 2 | PC | Stratégie | 8.0 | Test | 25/06/2013 |
Page 4 sur 9 / Total : 685 résultats