
PSP : Le contenu du PSN de cette semaine

Sortie le 01 Octobre 2009 , PSP
Publiée le 01/10/2009 à 18:10, par Renaud

PSP : Le contenu du PSN de cette semaine

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Cette semaine, sur le Playstation Store français (PSN) de la PSP, on retiendra notamment l'arrivée de nombreux jeux complets accompagnant la sortie de la PSPgo (voir notre article sur le PSP go), sans oublier un bon petit lot de contenus téléchargeables (payants pour la plupart) et enfin quelques vidéos bande annonce. Voyons sans plus tarder et en détail ce que nous propose le PSN cette semaine :

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Les jeux complets :

Tous ces jeux peuvent également être téléchargés directement depuis le Playstation Store de la Playstation 3.

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FIFA 10 (39.99 €) (disponible dès le vendredi 2 octobre)
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Beaterator (29.99 €) (disponible dès le vendredi 2 octobre)
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Gran Turismo (36.99 €)
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MotorStorm : Artic Edge (36.99 €)
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PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe (12.99 €)
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Rock Band Unplugged (3.99 €)
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God Of War : Chains Of Olympus (19.99 €)
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Thexder Neo (7.99 €)
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Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories (17.99 €)
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Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories (17.99 €)
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SoulCalibur : Broken Destiny (29.99 €)
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Midnight Club : LA Remix (17.99 €)
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Midnight Club 3 : Dub Edition (17.99 €)
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IL-2 Sturmovik : Birds Of Prey (39.99 €)
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Manhunt 2 (12.99 €)
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Iron Man (14.99 €)
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Crush (14.99 €)
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Exit 2 (17.99 €)
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Full Auto 2 : Battlelines (14.99 €)
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Gottlieb Pinball Classics (10.99 €)

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Les Mini :

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Tetris (4.99)
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Fieldrunners (4.99)
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Pinball Fantasies (4.99)
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Vempire (4.99)
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Brainpipe (4.99)
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Puzzle Scape Mini (2.99)
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Alien Havoc (4.99)
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Bloons (3.99)
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Fortix (3.99)
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Funky Punch (3.99)
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Kahoots (2.99)
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Hero of Sparta (4.99)
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Breakquest (2.99)

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Les contenus additionnels :

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Rock Band Unplugged - Plusieurs morceaux pour Rock Band Unplugged sur PSP (1,49 € chacun)

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Les autres jeux complets disponibles :

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Ape Academy
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Ape Academy 2
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Ape Quest
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Archer Macleans Mercury
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Bliss Island
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Brain Challenge PSP
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Brothers In Arms D-Day
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Burnout Dominator
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Burnout Legends
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Buzz! Brainbender
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Buzz! : Brain of the UK
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Buzz! Master Quiz
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Carol Vorderman’s Sudoku
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Championship Manager 2006
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Chessmaster: The Art of Learning
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Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
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Colin McRae Rally 2005
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Colin McRae DiRT 2
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The Cube
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Dead Head Fred
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Def Jam Fight For NY The Takeover
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Driver 76
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EA Replay
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Echochrome Micro
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Everybody’s Golf Platinum
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Everybodys Golf 2
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Exit 2
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Fading Shadows
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Fate/Unlimited Codes
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Final Armada
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Fired Up
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Flatout Head-On
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Football Manager Handheld
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Free Running
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Full Auto 2 Battles Lines
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Gangs of London Platinum
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Generation Of Chaos
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Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
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Go! Puzzle
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Go! Sudoku
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God of War: Chains of Olympus
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Gottlieb Pinball Classics
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Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
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Gran Turismo
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Guilty Gear Judgement
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IL2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
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International Athletics
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Iron Man
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Key of Heaven
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Killzone Liberation Platinum
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King Of Pool
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Lemmings Platinum
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Little Britain
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LocoRoco (Platinum)
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LocoRoco 2
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Madden NFL 2010
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Manhunt 2
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Medal of Honor Heroes
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Medal of Honor Heroes 2
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MediEvil Resurrection Platinum
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Midnight Club L.A. Remix
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Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition
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MotorStorm Arctic Edge
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NBA Live 09
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Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 (Platinum)
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Need For Speed: Pro Street (Platinum)
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Need For Speed: Shift
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No Gravity: The Plague Of Mind
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Off Road
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Patapon 2
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Pipe Mania
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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
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PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe
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Practical IQ
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Prince of Persia: Revelations
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Pursuit Force Platinum
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Pursuit Force Extreme Justice Platinum
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Puzzle Quest: Challenge of The Warlords
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Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters (Platinum)
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Real Madrid: The Game
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Resistance: Retribution
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Riff:Everyday Shooter
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Rock Band Unplugged (Starter Pack)
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Samurai Warriors: State of War
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Sid Meier’s Pirates!
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Skate Park City
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SOCOM Fireteam Bravo
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SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 2
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Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny
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Spectral Vs. Generation
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Splinter Cell Essentials
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State Shift
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Super Pocket Tennis
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Super Stardust Portable
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Syphon Filter: Combat Ops
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Syphon Filter Logans Shadow
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Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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Thexder Neo
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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
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Tomb Raider Anniversary
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Tom Clancy’s End War
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Twisted Metal Head-On
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Ultimate Board Game Collection
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Warriors Orochi
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Wild Arms XF
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WipEout Pulse (Platinum)
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WipEout Pure
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World of Pool
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World Tour Soccer 2
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WWII: Battle Over The Pacific

Enfin, précisons que le Playstation Store de la PSP est accessible directement depuis la console, ou alors via un PC en utilisant le logiciel [logiciel:290716 Media Go] désormais disponible en version 1.2 (http://fr.playstation.com/psn/store/).
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