Code saint row 2
Page 1 sur 1 / Total : 2 résultats
dsl les nom sont en eng mai les codes fonctionne
Result Phone number
Player Ability
Full Health #1
Car Mass (increased mass for harder collisions) #2
Milk Bones (increased melee attack damage) #3
Add Police Notoriety (+1 star to police wanted meter) #4
Player Pratfalls (press LB or RB to fall) #5
Infinite Sprint #6
Unlimited Clip (never reload, except for RPGs) #9
Infinite Ammo #11
Heaven Bound (killed bodies float upward) #12
Add Gang Notoriety (+1 gang attack level) #35
Never Die #36
No Cop Notoriety #50
No Gang Notoriety #51
I Am Giant (become very tall) #200
Itty Bitty (become very short) #201
Give Cash (gain $1,000) #2274666399
Repair Car (fixes car, boat, and helicopter damage) #1056
Ambulance #1040
Anchor #1041
Atlasbreaker #1042
Attrazione #1043
Backdraft #1044
Backhoe #1045
Bag Boy #1046
Baron #1047
Bear #1048
Bootlegger #1049
Bulldog #1050
Bulldozer #1051
Compton #1052
Eiswolf #1053
FBI #1054
Five0 #1055
Hollywood #1057
Justice #1058
Kent #1059
Mag #1060
Mixmaster #1061
Mongoose #1062
Oring #1063
Phoenix #1064
Quasar #1065
Quota #1066
Rampage #1067
Raycaster #1068
Reaper #1069
Septic Avenger #1070
Shaft #1071
Stilwater Municipal #1072
Superiore #1073
Taxi #1074
The Job #1075
Titan #1076
Toad #1077
Varsity #1078
Venom Classic #1079
Vortex #1080
Zenith #1081
Horizon (commerical helicopter) #711
Snipes57 (executive private jet) #712
Tornado (police helicopter with minigun and anti-tank missiles; can lock onto other vehicles or be manually aimed) #713
Wolverine (P-51 Mustang-style airplane with machine gun) #714
Kaneda (custom street racing motorcycle) #801
Kenshin (street racing motorcycle) #802
Melbourne (Harley-style motorcycle) #803
Sabretooth (custom Harley-style motorcycle) #804
Sandstorm (dirtbike) #805
Widowmaker (moped) #806
Hurricane (speedboat) #825
Miami #826
Python #827
Shark (personal watercraft) #828
Skipper (yacht) #829
Retailer Promotion Vehicles
Gyro Daddy helicopter (two person mini-helicopter) #4976
Destroy UFO (two person flying saucer) #728237
Peewee mini-bike (very small mini-bike) #7266837
12 Gauge #920
44 Shepherd #921
AR200 (SAW-type machine gun) #922
AR50 (X8-type assault rifle) #923
AR50 Launcher (X8-type assualt rifle with grenade launcher) #924
AS14 (fully automatic shotgun) #925
Baseball Bat #926
Chainsaw #927
Fire Extinguisher #928
Flamethrower #929
Flashbang #930
GAL43 (Uzi-like sub-machine gun) #931
GDHC #932
Grenade #933
Holt 55 (fully automatic pistol) #934
K6 Krukov #935
Knife #936
Machete #937
McManus2010 #938
Minigun #939
Molotov #940
Nightstick #941
NR4 #942
Pepper Spray #943
Pimp Cane (shotgun) #944
Pipe Bomb #945
RPG #946
RPG Annihilator (manual or lock-on guided RPG) #947
Samurai Sword #948
Satchel #949
Shock Paddles (bring dead people back to life) #950
SKR-9 #951
Sledgehammer #952
Stungun (semi-automatic Taser-style weapon; can kill if used repeatedly) #953
T3K Urban #954
Tire Iron #955
Tombstone #956
Vice 9 #957
XS-2 (fully automatic shotgun) #958
Pimp Slap (big foam middle finger) #969
Wrath of God (thunderstorm with random lightning strikes) #666
Overcast #78665
Heavy Rain #78666
Light Rain #78668
Clear Skies #78669
Normal Weather #78670
Super Explosions #7
Super Saints (almost invincibile Homies and Saints with better weapons) #8
Drunk Pedestrians #15
Evil Cars (drivers try to run you down) #16
Low Gravity (cannot be used with helicopters; use in Insurance Fraud mode to glide) #18
Pedestrian War (pedestrians and drivers fight each other) #19
Raining Pedestrians (people spawn and fall from sky but die on the ground) #20
Everybody Must Get Shrunk (everyone is very short) #202
Time Set Noon (hour set to 12 p.m. with minutes unchanged) #1200
Time Set Midnight (hour set to 12 a.m. with minutes unchanged) #2400
Service phone numbers
Pause the game, then access the cell phone. Select "Dial", then enter one of the following numbers, and choose "Call" to call the corresponding service:
Service Phone number
Airport 5553597
Big Willy's Cab 8198415
Bling Bling 5554233
Brown Baggers 5553765
Cocks 5552626
Company of Gyros 5554976
Cycles 5552453
EagleLine Yellow 0180174
Emergency 911
Eye for an Eye (Zombie Carlos) 5555966
Foreign Power 5552046
Forgive and Forget 5554448
Freckle Bitch's 5556328
Friendly Fire 5554867
Fire Department 5553473
Giftshop 5557577
HazMat 5556677
Image as Designed 5558459
Impression 5553248
Leather and Lace 5552662
Legal Lee's 5559467
On The Rag 5555926
On Thin Ice 5552564
Police 5557973
Pimps 'R Us 5557467
Rim Jobs 5553493
Rusty's Needle 5558287
Ship It 5557447
Spelunkers 5552283
Suicide Hotline 4876837
Tee'N'Ay 5559866
TNA Taxis 4558008
Ultor Security 411
Result Phone number
Player Ability
Full Health #1
Car Mass (increased mass for harder collisions) #2
Milk Bones (increased melee attack damage) #3
Add Police Notoriety (+1 star to police wanted meter) #4
Player Pratfalls (press LB or RB to fall) #5
Infinite Sprint #6
Unlimited Clip (never reload, except for RPGs) #9
Infinite Ammo #11
Heaven Bound (killed bodies float upward) #12
Add Gang Notoriety (+1 gang attack level) #35
Never Die #36
No Cop Notoriety #50
No Gang Notoriety #51
I Am Giant (become very tall) #200
Itty Bitty (become very short) #201
Give Cash (gain $1,000) #2274666399
Repair Car (fixes car, boat, and helicopter damage) #1056
Ambulance #1040
Anchor #1041
Atlasbreaker #1042
Attrazione #1043
Backdraft #1044
Backhoe #1045
Bag Boy #1046
Baron #1047
Bear #1048
Bootlegger #1049
Bulldog #1050
Bulldozer #1051
Compton #1052
Eiswolf #1053
FBI #1054
Five0 #1055
Hollywood #1057
Justice #1058
Kent #1059
Mag #1060
Mixmaster #1061
Mongoose #1062
Oring #1063
Phoenix #1064
Quasar #1065
Quota #1066
Rampage #1067
Raycaster #1068
Reaper #1069
Septic Avenger #1070
Shaft #1071
Stilwater Municipal #1072
Superiore #1073
Taxi #1074
The Job #1075
Titan #1076
Toad #1077
Varsity #1078
Venom Classic #1079
Vortex #1080
Zenith #1081
Horizon (commerical helicopter) #711
Snipes57 (executive private jet) #712
Tornado (police helicopter with minigun and anti-tank missiles; can lock onto other vehicles or be manually aimed) #713
Wolverine (P-51 Mustang-style airplane with machine gun) #714
Kaneda (custom street racing motorcycle) #801
Kenshin (street racing motorcycle) #802
Melbourne (Harley-style motorcycle) #803
Sabretooth (custom Harley-style motorcycle) #804
Sandstorm (dirtbike) #805
Widowmaker (moped) #806
Hurricane (speedboat) #825
Miami #826
Python #827
Shark (personal watercraft) #828
Skipper (yacht) #829
Retailer Promotion Vehicles
Gyro Daddy helicopter (two person mini-helicopter) #4976
Destroy UFO (two person flying saucer) #728237
Peewee mini-bike (very small mini-bike) #7266837
12 Gauge #920
44 Shepherd #921
AR200 (SAW-type machine gun) #922
AR50 (X8-type assault rifle) #923
AR50 Launcher (X8-type assualt rifle with grenade launcher) #924
AS14 (fully automatic shotgun) #925
Baseball Bat #926
Chainsaw #927
Fire Extinguisher #928
Flamethrower #929
Flashbang #930
GAL43 (Uzi-like sub-machine gun) #931
GDHC #932
Grenade #933
Holt 55 (fully automatic pistol) #934
K6 Krukov #935
Knife #936
Machete #937
McManus2010 #938
Minigun #939
Molotov #940
Nightstick #941
NR4 #942
Pepper Spray #943
Pimp Cane (shotgun) #944
Pipe Bomb #945
RPG #946
RPG Annihilator (manual or lock-on guided RPG) #947
Samurai Sword #948
Satchel #949
Shock Paddles (bring dead people back to life) #950
SKR-9 #951
Sledgehammer #952
Stungun (semi-automatic Taser-style weapon; can kill if used repeatedly) #953
T3K Urban #954
Tire Iron #955
Tombstone #956
Vice 9 #957
XS-2 (fully automatic shotgun) #958
Pimp Slap (big foam middle finger) #969
Wrath of God (thunderstorm with random lightning strikes) #666
Overcast #78665
Heavy Rain #78666
Light Rain #78668
Clear Skies #78669
Normal Weather #78670
Super Explosions #7
Super Saints (almost invincibile Homies and Saints with better weapons) #8
Drunk Pedestrians #15
Evil Cars (drivers try to run you down) #16
Low Gravity (cannot be used with helicopters; use in Insurance Fraud mode to glide) #18
Pedestrian War (pedestrians and drivers fight each other) #19
Raining Pedestrians (people spawn and fall from sky but die on the ground) #20
Everybody Must Get Shrunk (everyone is very short) #202
Time Set Noon (hour set to 12 p.m. with minutes unchanged) #1200
Time Set Midnight (hour set to 12 a.m. with minutes unchanged) #2400
Service phone numbers
Pause the game, then access the cell phone. Select "Dial", then enter one of the following numbers, and choose "Call" to call the corresponding service:
Service Phone number
Airport 5553597
Big Willy's Cab 8198415
Bling Bling 5554233
Brown Baggers 5553765
Cocks 5552626
Company of Gyros 5554976
Cycles 5552453
EagleLine Yellow 0180174
Emergency 911
Eye for an Eye (Zombie Carlos) 5555966
Foreign Power 5552046
Forgive and Forget 5554448
Freckle Bitch's 5556328
Friendly Fire 5554867
Fire Department 5553473
Giftshop 5557577
HazMat 5556677
Image as Designed 5558459
Impression 5553248
Leather and Lace 5552662
Legal Lee's 5559467
On The Rag 5555926
On Thin Ice 5552564
Police 5557973
Pimps 'R Us 5557467
Rim Jobs 5553493
Rusty's Needle 5558287
Ship It 5557447
Spelunkers 5552283
Suicide Hotline 4876837
Tee'N'Ay 5559866
TNA Taxis 4558008
Ultor Security 411
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
Page 1 sur 1 / Total : 2 résultats

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L'avis de : combat44
Très bon
Un très bon jeu à Licence
Ambiance retranscrite à la perfection , Saw est sans conteste , l'un des meilleurs jeu tiré d'un film d'horreur!
De plus , il y a pleins de clins d'oeil des films !
Petit bémol , les combats qui sont ...pire qu'horrible !
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