Les derniers tests jeux PC
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meilleurs jeux PC
classés par genre, par rédacteur, par public et par événement.
Nom du jeu |
Plateforme |
Genre |
Note |
Maj |
sortie |
51 | Ultimate General : Gettysburg | PC | Stratégie | 7.4 | Test | 16/10/2014 |
52 | Sid Meier's Civilization : Beyond Earth | PC | Mac | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | 7.0 | Test | 24/10/2014 |
53 | F1 2014 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Course | 6.1 | Test | 17/10/2014 |
54 | Silence of The Sleep | PC | 7.5 | Test | 01/10/2014 | |
55 | Legend Of Grimrock 2 | PC | Mac | Puzzle | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Aventure | 8.0 | Test | 15/10/2014 |
56 | A Golden Wake | PC | Mac | Aventure | 7.5 | Test | 09/10/2014 |
57 | Borderlands : The Pre-Sequel | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Action | 7.0 | Test | 17/10/2014 |
58 | The Evil Within | PC | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 14/10/2014 |
59 | Sleeping Dogs : Definitive Edition | PS4 | Xbox One | Tir | Action | Aventure | 7.5 | Test | 10/10/2014 |
60 | Ryse : Son Of Rome | PC | Action | Aventure | 6.1 | Test | 10/10/2014 |
61 | Styx : Master Of Shadows | PS4 | Xbox One | Action | Aventure | 7.5 | Test | 07/10/2014 |
62 | Alien : Isolation | PC | Action | 8.7 | Test | 07/10/2014 |
63 | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter | PC | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 25/09/2014 |
64 | Wasteland 2 | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Aventure | 8.0 | Test | 19/09/2014 |
65 | Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishments | PS3 | Xbox 360 | PS4 | Xbox One | Aventure | 7.7 | Test | 30/09/2014 |
66 | Gauntlet | PC | Action | 5.4 | Test | 23/09/2014 |
67 | Heavy Bullets | PC | Tir | Action | 5.0 | Test | 18/09/2014 |
68 | Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Super Heroes | PC | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 6.4 | Test | 18/09/2014 |
69 | FIFA 15 | Xbox One | PS4 | Xbox 360 | Wii | PS3 | 3DS | PS VITA | Sport | 6.5 | Test | 25/09/2014 |
70 | Endless Legend | PC | Mac | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | 8.0 | Test | 18/09/2014 |
71 | Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Baston | 7.9 | Test | 12/09/2014 |
72 | Les Sims 4 | PC | Mac | Gestion & Management | 5.6 | Test | 04/09/2014 |
73 | Lethal League | PC | Baston | Action | 8.0 | Test | 27/08/2014 |
74 | The Walking Dead : Saison 2 | PS3 | PS VITA | Xbox 360 | iPhone | iPad | PS4 | Xbox One | 7.0 | Test | 27/08/2014 | |
75 | Metro Redux | Xbox One | PS4 | Action | 7.5 | Test | 28/08/2014 |
76 | Sacred 3 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 3.5 | Test | 01/08/2014 |
77 | Gods Will Be Watching | PC | Aventure | 6.2 | Test | 24/07/2014 |
78 | OlliOlli | PC | Mac | 5.7 | Test | 22/07/2014 | |
79 | The Wolf Among Us - A Telltale Games Series | PC | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 08/07/2014 |
80 | Shovel Knight | PC | Jeu d'adresse | Plateforme | Action | 7.4 | Test | 26/06/2014 |
81 | Divinity : Original Sin | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 8.4 | Test | 30/06/2014 |
82 | GRID Autosport | PC | Course | 6.6 | Test | 27/06/2014 |
83 | Soldats Inconnus : Mémoires De La Grande Guerre | Xbox One | PS4 | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Puzzle | Aventure | 8.0 | Test | 25/06/2014 |
84 | WildStar | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 7.7 | Test | 03/06/2014 |
85 | Space Run | PC | Mac | Stratégie | Action | 7.2 | Test | 13/06/2014 |
86 | Memento Mori 2 : Guardian Of Immortality | PC | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 13/05/2014 |
87 | Murdered : Soul Suspect | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Xbox One | PS4 | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 06/06/2014 |
88 | Always Sometimes Monsters | PC | Aventure | 7.4 | Test | 21/05/2014 |
89 | The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2 | PC | Mac | Action | 7.1 | Test | 22/05/2014 |
90 | Watch_Dogs | Xbox One | PS3 | Xbox 360 | PS4 | Wii U | Action | Aventure | 8.2 | Test | 27/05/2014 |
91 | Transistor | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | 8.3 | Test | 20/05/2014 |
92 | The Last Tinker : City Of Colors | PC | Mac | Plateforme | Action | 7.5 | Test | 12/05/2014 |
93 | Sir, You Are Being Hunted | PC | Action | Aventure | 6.8 | Test | 01/05/2014 |
94 | Bound By Flame | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 6.5 | Test | 09/05/2014 |
95 | Child Of Light | PS4 | Xbox 360 | Xbox One | PS3 | Wii U | PS VITA | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Aventure | 8.1 | Test | 30/04/2014 |
96 | The Blackwell Epiphany | PC | Aventure | 7.4 | Test | 24/04/2014 |
97 | Moebius : Empire Rising | PC | Mac | Aventure | 5.9 | Test | 15/04/2014 |
98 | Les Chevaliers De Baphomet 5 : La Malédiction Du Serpent - Episode 2 | PC | Mac | Aventure | 8.0 | Test | 16/04/2014 |
99 | Warlock 2 The Exiled | PC | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | 8.0 | Test | 10/04/2014 |
100 | Titanfall | Xbox One | Xbox 360 | Action | 7.4 | Test | 13/03/2014 |
101 | LEGO Le Hobbit | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Wii U | 3DS | PS VITA | PS4 | Xbox One | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 11/04/2014 |
102 | Age Of Wonders 3 | PC | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | 7.9 | Test | 31/03/2014 |
103 | Goat Simulator | PC | Jeu d'adresse | Action | 7.4 | Test | 01/04/2014 |
104 | The Elder Scrolls Online : Tamriel Unlimited | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 6.5 | Test | 04/04/2014 |
105 | Cloudbuilt | PC | Tir | Plateforme | Action | 6.3 | Test | 20/03/2014 |
106 | Diablo 3 : Reaper Of Souls | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 8.5 | Test | 25/03/2014 |
107 | TowerFall Ascension | PS4 | PS VITA | Tir | Baston | Action | 8.0 | Test | 11/03/2014 |
108 | BioShock Infinite : Tombeau Sous-Marin Episode 2 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Tir | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 25/03/2014 |
109 | Luftrausers | PC | Tir | Action | 8.0 | Test | 18/03/2014 |
110 | Hearthstone : Heroes Of Warcraft | PC | Mac | Jeu Web | 7.7 | Test | 12/03/2014 |
111 | 10 Second Ninja | PC | Puzzle | Plateforme | Action | 7.0 | Test | 05/03/2014 |
112 | 1954 : Alcatraz | PC | Aventure | 6.5 | Test | 11/03/2014 |
113 | Drunken Robot Pornography | PC | Tir | Action | 7.8 | Test | 19/02/2014 |
114 | South Park : Le Bâton De La Vérité | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 8.5 | Test | 06/03/2014 |
115 | Banished | PC | 7.4 | Test | 18/02/2014 | |
116 | LEGO La Grande Aventure – Le Jeu Vidéo | Xbox One | Xbox 360 | PS3 | PS4 | Wii U | 3DS | PS VITA | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 7.5 | Test | 19/02/2014 |
117 | Jazzpunk | PC | Jeu d'adresse | Action | Aventure | 5.3 | Test | 07/02/2014 |
118 | Strider | Xbox 360 | Xbox One | PS3 | PS4 | Plateforme | Action | 8.2 | Test | 19/02/2014 |
119 | NaissanceE | PC | 7.9 | Test | 13/02/2014 | |
120 | Strike Vector | PC | Action | 8.6 | Test | 28/01/2014 |
121 | Octodad : Dadliest Catch | PC | Aventure | 7.1 | Test | 30/01/2014 |
122 | Our Darker Purpose | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 6.7 | Test | 29/01/2014 |
123 | Loadout | PC | Action | 7.0 | Test | 31/01/2014 |
124 | Blackguards | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Aventure | 6.9 | Test | 24/01/2014 |
125 | Broken Age | PC | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 28/01/2014 |
126 | Might And Magic 10 - Legacy | PC | Mac | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 7.0 | Test | 23/01/2014 |
127 | Nidhogg | PC | Action | 7.4 | Test | 13/01/2014 |
128 | The Banner Saga | PC | Stratégie | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 14/01/2014 |
129 | Continue?9876543210 | PC | RPG - Jeu de rôle | 5.0 | Test | 03/01/2014 |
130 | Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe | PC | Jeu d'adresse | 7.2 | Test | 06/12/2013 |
131 | Samurai Gunn | PC | Tir | Plateforme | 7.3 | Test | 10/12/2013 |
132 | Dracula 5 : L'Héritage Du Sang | PC | Puzzle | Aventure | 6.1 | Test | 29/11/2013 |
133 | Les Chevaliers De Baphomet 5 : La Malédiction Du Serpent - Episode 1 | PC | Mac | Aventure | 8.0 | Test | 08/12/2013 |
134 | Speedball 2 HD | PC | Sport | 6.4 | Test | 05/12/2013 |
135 | Oozi Earth Adventure | PC | Plateforme | 7.2 | Test | 06/12/2013 |
136 | FIFA 14 | Xbox 360 | PS3 | 3DS | Sport | 8.2 | Test | 27/09/2013 |
137 | Call Of Duty : Ghosts | PC | Tir | Action | 6.4 | Test | 05/11/2013 |
138 | X Rebirth | PC | Gestion & Management | Action | 4.6 | Test | 15/11/2013 |
139 | Battlefield 4 | PC | Tir | Action | 7.9 | Test | 31/10/2013 |
140 | Need For Speed Rivals | PC | Course | 7.1 | Test | 21/11/2013 |
141 | Assassin's Creed 4 : Black Flag | PS3 | Xbox 360 | Wii U | PS4 | Xbox One | Action | Aventure | 8.8 | Test | 29/10/2013 |
142 | World Of Warplanes | PC | 6.6 | Test | 13/11/2013 | |
143 | Dream Chamber | PC | Mac | Aventure | 6.3 | Test | 24/10/2013 |
144 | LEGO Marvel Super Heroes | Xbox 360 | Wii U | PS3 | Xbox One | PS4 | Plateforme | Action | Aventure | 8.1 | Test | 15/11/2013 |
145 | BioShock Infinite : Tombeau Sous-Marin | PC | 5.9 | Test | 12/11/2013 | |
146 | Journey Of A Roach | PC | Mac | Aventure | 6.2 | Test | 05/11/2013 |
147 | Risk of Rain | PC | Tir | Plateforme | Action | 7.6 | Test | 08/11/2013 |
148 | Contrast | PC | Puzzle | Plateforme | 6.3 | Test | 15/11/2013 |
149 | XCOM : Enemy Within | PC | Stratégie | Gestion & Management | Action | 8.0 | Test | 15/11/2013 |
150 | Shadow Warrior | PC | Action | 7.5 | Test | 26/09/2013 |
Page 3 sur 26 / Total : 2424 résultats