Les derniers tests jeux PS2
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classés par genre, par rédacteur, par public et par événement.
Nom du jeu |
Plateforme |
Genre |
Note |
Maj |
sortie |
251 | FlatOut | Xbox | PS2 | Course | 0.0 | Test | 05/11/2004 |
252 | WRC 4 | PS2 | Course | 6.8 | Test | 22/10/2004 |
253 | Nba ballers | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 5.0 | Test | |
254 | Sly 2 : Band Of Thieves | PS2 | Plateforme | Action | 8.5 | Test | 27/10/2004 |
255 | Under the skin | PS2 | Action | 7.5 | Test | 31/12/2004 |
256 | Crimson tears | PS2 | Action | 5.0 | Test | 22/10/2004 |
257 | Sega superstars | PS2 | Jeu d'adresse | 7.0 | Test | 31/12/2004 |
258 | Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas | PS2 | Xbox | iPhone | Action | 8.4 | Test | 29/10/2004 |
259 | U move super sports | PS2 | Jeu d'adresse | 5.0 | Test | 30/09/2004 |
260 | Viewtiful Joe | GameCube | PS2 | Action | 8.0 | Test | 30/10/2003 |
261 | McFarlane's Evil Prophecy | PS2 | Action | 5.5 | Test | 31/10/2004 |
262 | X-Men Legends | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 15/10/2004 |
263 | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | GBA | Sport | 7.8 | Test | 08/10/2004 |
264 | Star Wars Battlefront | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 8.1 | Test | 24/09/2004 |
265 | Star Ocean Till The End Of Time | PS2 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 01/10/2004 |
266 | Pro Evolution Soccer 4 | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 8.1 | Test | 15/10/2004 |
267 | Time Crisis : Crisis Zone | PS2 | Tir | Action | 4.0 | Test | 22/09/2004 |
268 | Terminator 3 : redemption | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | Action | 6.2 | Test | 17/09/2004 |
269 | Burnout 3 : Takedown | Xbox | PS2 | Course | 8.5 | Test | 09/09/2004 |
270 | Gradius 5 | PS2 | Tir | Action | 7.0 | Test | |
271 | Forgotten Realms : Demon Stone | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 17/09/2004 |
272 | Psi-Ops : The Mindgate Conspiracy | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 8.3 | Test | 01/10/2004 |
273 | Silent Hill 4 : The Room | Xbox | PS2 | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 24/09/2004 |
274 | ShellShock : Nam '67 | PS2 | Xbox | Tir | Action | 5.0 | Test | 03/09/2004 |
275 | The King Of Fighters : Maximum Impact | PS2 | Xbox | Baston | 6.0 | Test | 31/01/2005 |
276 | Yu-Gi-Oh! : Duelists Of The Roses | PS2 | Stratégie | 6.8 | Test | 01/04/2004 |
277 | Samurai jack : the shadow of aku | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | Action | 5.4 | Test | 25/06/2004 |
278 | SingStar | PS3 | PS2 | Musique | 0.0 | Test | 12/03/2008 |
279 | Second sight | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 03/09/2004 |
280 | .hack : Outbreak | PS2 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 5.0 | Test | 09/09/2004 |
281 | Catwoman | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | GBA | Gameboy | Action | 6.4 | Test | 26/08/2004 |
282 | Headhunter : Redemption | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 5.0 | Test | 27/08/2004 |
283 | Athens 2004 | PS2 | Sport | 7.0 | Test | 30/06/2004 |
284 | Obscure | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 02/09/2004 |
285 | The x-files : resist or serve | PS2 | Xbox | Aventure | 5.0 | Test | 21/05/2004 |
286 | World Championship Snooker 2004 | Xbox | PS2 | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 25/06/2004 |
287 | Richard burns rally | PS2 | Xbox | Course | 5.0 | Test | 09/07/2004 |
288 | Onimusha 3 : Demon Siege | PS2 | Action | Aventure | 8.5 | Test | 09/07/2004 |
289 | .hack : Mutation | PS2 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 5.0 | Test | 18/06/2004 |
290 | Spider-Man 2 | GameCube | PS1 | Xbox | PS2 | PSP | GBA | Gameboy | Plateforme | Action | 0.0 | Test | 09/07/2004 |
291 | Malice | Xbox | PS2 | Plateforme | Action | 0.0 | Test | 16/05/2004 |
292 | Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow | Xbox | PS2 | GameCube | Tir | Action | 8.2 | Test | 26/03/2004 |
293 | Shrek 2 | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | GBA | Plateforme | Action | 7.3 | Test | 18/06/2004 |
294 | Red Dead Revolver | Xbox | PS2 | Action | 5.8 | Test | 11/06/2004 |
295 | Harry Potter Et Le Prisonnier D'Azkaban | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Action | 0.0 | Test | 03/06/2004 |
296 | Way of the samurai 2 | PS2 | Action | 7.5 | Test | 29/04/2004 |
297 | Smash court tennis pro tournament 2 | PS2 | Sport | 7.6 | Test | 20/09/2004 |
298 | Hyper Street Fighter 2 | PS2 | Baston | 6.8 | Test | 29/04/2004 |
299 | Gran Turismo 4 Prologue | PS2 | Course | 5.5 | Test | 26/05/2004 |
300 | Drakengard | PS2 | Aventure | 7.3 | Test | 21/05/2004 |
301 | Van helsing | Xbox | PS2 | GBA | Action | 0.0 | Test | 14/05/2004 |
302 | Star Trek : Shattered Universe | Xbox | PS2 | 0.0 | Test | 30/09/2003 | |
303 | Corvette | Xbox | PS2 | GBA | Course | 0.0 | Test | 30/10/2004 |
304 | Risk global domination | PS2 | Xbox | Stratégie | Guerre | 5.8 | Test | 13/02/2004 |
305 | The Suffering | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 09/04/2004 |
306 | Deadly skies 3 | PS2 | Sport | 7.0 | Test | 16/04/2004 |
307 | Serious Sam : Next Encounter | GameCube | PS2 | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 20/06/2004 |
308 | Ironstorm : World War Zero | PS2 | Tir | Action | 6.2 | Test | 31/03/2004 |
309 | World championship rugby | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 5.0 | Test | 09/04/2004 |
310 | Hitman : Contracts | Xbox | PS2 | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 30/04/2004 |
311 | Seven samurai 20xx | PS2 | Baston | 4.0 | Test | |
312 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Gameboy | Xbox 360 | Baston | 0.0 | Test | 16/04/2004 |
313 | Bad boys 2 | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 30/04/2004 |
314 | Project zero 2 | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 29/04/2004 |
315 | Bombastic | PS2 | Jeu d'adresse | 5.0 | Test | 15/01/2004 |
316 | Fallout : brotherhood of steel | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 6.5 | Test | 16/04/2004 |
317 | Alias | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 5.0 | Test | 09/04/2004 |
318 | Outlaw volleyball | Xbox | PS2 | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 03/10/2003 |
319 | Socom 2 : U.S. Navy Seals | PS2 | Stratégie | Action | 7.7 | Test | 17/03/2004 |
320 | Transformers | PS2 | Action | 7.3 | Test | 11/05/2004 |
321 | Lethal skies 2 | PS2 | Action | 5.0 | Test | 26/03/2004 |
322 | MTX Mototrax | PS2 | Xbox | Course | 7.8 | Test | 26/03/2004 |
323 | Spyhunter 2 | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Course | 5.0 | Test | 26/03/2004 |
324 | R-type : final | PS2 | Tir | Action | 7.2 | Test | 02/04/2004 |
325 | Xii stag | PS2 | Tir | Action | 4.5 | Test | 24/03/2004 |
326 | Mega Man x7 | PS2 | Plateforme | Action | 7.5 | Test | 04/03/2004 |
327 | Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance 2 | Xbox | PS2 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 06/02/2004 |
328 | Forbidden Siren | PS2 | Action | Aventure | 8.3 | Test | 12/03/2004 |
329 | Downhill domination | PS2 | Course | 6.6 | Test | 20/02/2004 |
330 | Arc : le clan des deimos | PS2 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 28/01/2004 |
331 | Whiplash | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 7.0 | Test | 27/02/2004 |
332 | Nightshade | PS2 | Nintendo | Action | 5.0 | Test | 13/02/2004 |
333 | James bond : quitte ou double | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Action | 0.0 | Test | 26/02/2004 |
334 | Mafia | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 5.0 | Test | 13/02/2004 |
335 | Kill.Switch | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Action | 5.0 | Test | 20/02/2004 |
336 | I-ninja | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Action | 8.1 | Test | 11/02/2004 |
337 | LFP manager 2004 | PS2 | Xbox | Simulation | Sport | Gestion & Management | 7.0 | Test | 05/12/2003 |
338 | Goblin commander | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Stratégie | 7.6 | Test | 26/03/2004 |
339 | Maximo vs army of zin | PS2 | Guerre | Action | Aventure | 7.2 | Test | 12/02/2004 |
340 | Final Fantasy X-2 | PS2 | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.5 | Test | 19/02/2004 |
341 | Castlevania : Lament Of Innocence | PS2 | Nintendo | N64 | Action | 6.0 | Test | 13/02/2004 |
342 | Nfl street | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Sport | 7.0 | Test | 15/01/2004 |
343 | Rogue ops | Xbox | GameCube | PS2 | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 06/02/2004 |
344 | Legacy of kain : defiance | Xbox | PS2 | Action | 0.0 | Test | 23/01/2004 |
345 | Metal Arms | GameCube | Xbox | PS2 | Action | 0.0 | Test | 05/12/2003 |
346 | Kaan | PS2 | Plateforme | Action | 5.0 | Test | 23/01/2004 |
347 | Mojo | Xbox | PS2 | Jeu d'adresse | 0.0 | Test | 30/11/2003 |
348 | Les Chevaliers De Baphomet : Le Manuscrit De Voynich | PS2 | Xbox | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 14/11/2003 |
349 | Crash Nitro Kart | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Course | 0.0 | Test | 31/12/2003 |
350 | Beyond Good & Evil | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Plateforme | Action | 8.5 | Test | 13/11/2003 |
Page 5 sur 6 / Total : 396 résultats