Les derniers tests jeux Xbox
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meilleurs jeux Xbox
classés par genre, par rédacteur, par public et par événement.
Nom du jeu |
Plateforme |
Genre |
Note |
Maj |
sortie |
51 | Hitman : Blood Money | PC | Tir | Action | 7.9 | Test | 26/05/2006 |
52 | Coupe Du Monde De La FIFA 2006 | PC | Sport | 6.7 | Test | 27/04/2006 |
53 | The Da Vinci Code | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.5 | Test | 19/05/2006 |
54 | Dreamfall : The Longest Journey | PC | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 12/05/2006 |
55 | Rogue Trooper | PC | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 21/04/2006 |
56 | Coupe Du Monde De La FIFA 2006 | Xbox 360 | GameCube | PS2 | PSP | Xbox | GBA | Sport | 7.5 | Test | 27/04/2006 |
57 | Tomb Raider : Legend | PC | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 07/04/2006 |
58 | Le Parrain | PC | Action | 7.1 | Test | 24/03/2006 |
59 | FIFA Street 2 | Xbox | GameCube | PS2 | PSP | Sport | 7.4 | Test | 02/03/2006 |
60 | Black | Xbox | PS2 | Tir | Action | 8.2 | Test | 23/02/2006 |
61 | Castlevania : Curse Of Darkness | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 16/02/2006 |
62 | TOCA Race Driver 3 | PC | Course | 7.6 | Test | 23/02/2006 |
63 | Marc Ecko's Getting Up : Contents Under Pressure | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 4.0 | Test | 17/02/2006 |
64 | Bloodrayne 2 | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 3.0 | Test | 17/02/2006 |
65 | Rugby Challenge 2006 | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 4.0 | Test | 19/01/2006 |
66 | Stubbs The Zombie | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 16/12/2005 |
67 | Prince Of Persia : Les Deux Royaumes | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Plateforme | Action | 7.1 | Test | 08/12/2005 |
68 | Call Of Cthulhu : Dark Corners Of The Earth | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 28/10/2005 |
69 | Shadow The Hedgehog | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Plateforme | Action | 6.5 | Test | 18/11/2005 |
70 | World Racing 2 | PC | Course | 6.5 | Test | 25/11/2005 |
71 | Harry Potter Et La Coupe De Feu | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | PSP | GBA | Plateforme | Action | 0.0 | Test | 10/11/2005 |
72 | Mortal Kombat : Shaolin Monks | PS2 | Xbox | Baston | 7.9 | Test | 02/11/2005 |
73 | Ultimate Spider-Man | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Plateforme | Action | 7.9 | Test | 14/10/2005 |
74 | Need For Speed Most Wanted | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Xbox 360 | GBA | Course | 6.9 | Test | 24/11/2005 |
75 | Star Wars Battlefront 2 | Xbox | PS2 | Tir | Action | 8.2 | Test | 18/11/2005 |
76 | The Matrix : Path Of Neo | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 10/11/2005 |
77 | The Warriors | PS2 | Xbox | PSP | Action | 8.2 | Test | 21/10/2005 |
78 | Les Sims 2 | GBA | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | DS | PSP | GBA | Gestion & Management | 0.0 | Test | 04/11/2005 |
79 | Shattered Union | Xbox | Stratégie | 7.0 | Test | 21/10/2005 |
80 | SSX On Tour | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | PSP | Sport | 8.2 | Test | 27/10/2005 |
81 | Serious Sam 2 | Xbox | Tir | Action | 8.0 | Test | 14/10/2005 |
82 | Kingdom Under Fire : Heroes | Xbox | Stratégie | 7.0 | Test | 07/10/2005 |
83 | Spartan : Total Warrior | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 07/10/2005 |
84 | Far Cry Instincts | Xbox | Tir | Action | 8.4 | Test | 29/09/2005 |
85 | FIFA 06 | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | PSP | GBA | Sport | 7.0 | Test | 29/09/2005 |
86 | Burnout Revenge | Xbox 360 | PS2 | Xbox | Course | 8.0 | Test | 16/03/2006 |
87 | MotoGP : Ultimate Racing Technology 3 | Xbox | Course | 7.0 | Test | 09/09/2005 |
88 | Sid Meier's Pirates! | Wii | Xbox | PSP | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 08/10/2010 |
89 | Destroy All Humans! | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 24/06/2005 |
90 | Madagascar | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | GBA | Plateforme | Action | 0.0 | Test | 17/06/2005 |
91 | Batman Begins | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Action | 0.0 | Test | 16/06/2005 |
92 | Conker : Live And Reloaded | Xbox | Plateforme | Action | 8.4 | Test | 24/06/2005 |
93 | Red ninja : end of honor | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 06/05/2005 |
94 | Predator : concrete jungle | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 06/05/2005 |
95 | Close Combat : First To Fight | Xbox | Tir | Action | 5.0 | Test | 29/04/2005 |
96 | Still Life | Xbox | Aventure | 5.0 | Test | 14/04/2005 |
97 | Spy Vs. Spy | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Nintendo | Gameboy | Master Sys | Action | 0.0 | Test | 30/03/2004 |
98 | Forza Motorsport | Xbox | Course | 8.3 | Test | 13/05/2005 |
99 | Star Wars Episode 3 : La Revanche Des Sith | Xbox | DS | GBA | PSP | PS2 | GBA | Action | Aventure | 6.6 | Test | 06/05/2005 |
100 | Unreal championship 2 : the liandri conflict | Xbox | Tir | Action | 7.0 | Test | 31/12/2005 |
101 | Spikeout : battle street | Xbox | Action | 6.5 | Test | 22/04/2005 |
102 | Gungriffon : allied stike | Xbox | Action | 4.0 | Test | 08/04/2005 |
103 | Midnight Club 3 : Dub Edition | Xbox | PS2 | PSP | Course | 8.1 | Test | 20/04/2005 |
104 | Jade Empire | Xbox | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 22/04/2005 |
105 | Rpm tuning | PS2 | Xbox | Course | 0.0 | Test | 17/06/2004 |
106 | Brothers In Arms : Road To Hill 30 | PS2 | Xbox | Wii | Guerre | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 17/03/2005 |
107 | Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory | Xbox | GameCube | PS2 | Tir | Action | 7.3 | Test | 31/03/2005 |
108 | Rugby 2005 | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 10/03/2005 |
109 | Oddworld : La Fureur De L'Étranger | Xbox | PS2 | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 03/03/2005 |
110 | Constantine | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 16/02/2005 |
111 | NBA street V3 | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 17/02/2005 |
112 | Mercenaries | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 0.0 | Test | 18/02/2005 |
113 | Star Wars : Knights Of The Old Republic 2 | Xbox | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.8 | Test | 11/02/2005 |
114 | Otogi 2 : immortal warriors | Xbox | Action | 8.0 | Test | 11/02/2005 |
115 | Project zero 2 | PS2 | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.9 | Test | 29/04/2004 |
116 | Ford Racing 3 | PS2 | Xbox | GBA | Course | 5.0 | Test | 14/01/2005 |
117 | Mechassault 2 : Lone Wolf | Xbox | Action | 8.5 | Test | 21/01/2005 |
118 | Ghost Recon 2 | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | Stratégie | Action | 0.0 | Test | 25/11/2004 |
119 | Call Of Duty : Le Jour De Gloire | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Guerre | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 03/12/2004 |
120 | Goldeneye : Au Service Du Mal | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Tir | Action | 0.0 | Test | 02/12/2004 |
121 | Worms Forts : État De Siège | PS2 | Xbox | Jeu d'adresse | 0.0 | Test | 19/11/2004 |
122 | Mortal Kombat : Mystification | Xbox | PS2 | GameCube | Baston | 6.7 | Test | 05/11/2004 |
123 | Pro Evolution Soccer 4 | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 8.1 | Test | 15/10/2004 |
124 | Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : Le Tiers Age | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | GBA | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 05/11/2004 |
125 | Halo 2 | Xbox | Tir | Action | 8.5 | Test | 10/11/2004 |
126 | Dead Or Alive Ultimate | Xbox | Baston | 7.8 | Test | 18/02/2005 |
127 | Kingdom Under Fire : The Crusaders | Xbox | Stratégie | 6.8 | Test | 29/10/2004 |
128 | NHL 2005 | GameCube | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 03/09/2004 |
129 | X-Men Legends | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 15/10/2004 |
130 | Gang de requins | PS2 | GameCube | Xbox | Aventure | 0.0 | Test | 30/10/2004 |
131 | Fable | Xbox | RPG - Jeu de rôle | Action | Aventure | 8.3 | Test | 08/10/2004 |
132 | Fifa Football 2005 | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | GBA | GBA | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 07/10/2004 |
133 | Outrun 2 | Xbox | Course | 7.5 | Test | 08/10/2004 |
134 | Burnout 3 : Takedown | Xbox | PS2 | Course | 8.5 | Test | 09/09/2004 |
135 | The Chronicles Of Riddick - Escape From Butcher Bay | Xbox | Tir | Action | 5.5 | Test | 27/08/2004 |
136 | Sudeki | Xbox | Action | Aventure | 7.0 | Test | 27/08/2004 |
137 | Doom 3 | PC | Tir | Action | 8.3 | Test | 13/08/2004 |
138 | Dark Project : Deadly Shadows | Xbox | Action | 7.0 | Test | 18/06/2004 |
139 | Full Spectrum Warrior | Xbox | PS2 | Stratégie | Action | 7.4 | Test | 25/06/2004 |
140 | Driv3r | Xbox | PS2 | GBA | Course | 6.0 | Test | 22/06/2004 |
141 | Red Dead Revolver | Xbox | PS2 | Action | 5.8 | Test | 11/06/2004 |
142 | Euro 2004 | PS2 | Xbox | Sport | 0.0 | Test | 06/05/2004 |
143 | Unreal 2 | Xbox | Tir | Action | 5.0 | Test | 20/02/2004 |
144 | Ninja Gaiden | Xbox | Master Sys | Action | 8.1 | Test | 14/05/2004 |
145 | Rallisport Challenge 2 | Xbox | Course | 8.1 | Test | 21/05/2004 |
146 | R : racing evolution | PS2 | Xbox | GameCube | GameCube | Course | 0.0 | Test | 02/04/2004 |
147 | Fight Night 2004 | Xbox | PS2 | Sport | 7.6 | Test | 29/04/2004 |
148 | Toca Race Driver 2 | Xbox | PS2 | PSP | Course | 8.0 | Test | 23/04/2004 |
149 | Mafia | PS2 | Xbox | Action | 5.0 | Test | 13/02/2004 |
150 | Conan | Nintendo | GameCube | Xbox | PS2 | 0.0 | Test | 07/04/2008 |
Page 3 sur 4 / Total : 213 résultats